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Architecture in Effect: Rethinking the Social in Architecture

The strong reserach environment Architecture in Effect developed from 2011-2017 theories and methodologies for critical interpretations and articulations of architecture in its cultural and socio-political context. Its activities were structured in four program areas defined in relation to particular theoretical problems and methodologies within the field of architectural interpretation: Critical Historiography, Material Conditions, Critical Projections, and Architects in Formation. Apart from a wide range of publications by individual participating researchers, as well as conferences and exhibitions, the environment produced a double volume summary anthology at Actar Publishers (publication year 2019).

Partcipants from KTH Architecture: Katja Grillner (project leader, director until 2015), Meike Schalk (director 2015-2017), Anders Bergström, Helena Mattsson, Hélène Frichot, Jennifer Mack, Daniel Koch, Catharina Gabrielsson, Bettina Schwalm, Karin Reisinger.

Particpating PhD-students: Erik Sigge, Sepideh Karami, Maria Ärlemo, Helen Runting, Brady Burroughs.

Projektpartners och huvudansvariga där: Chalmers Arkitektur (Sten Gromark), Umeå Arkitektur (Roemer van Toorn), LTH Arkitektur (Mattias Kärrholm)

Finaniär / Funding body: Formas

Project website / archive - Projekthemsida/arkiv: Project website / archive

Web-site concluding event and exhibition / Hemsida för avslutande event och utställning: Web-site concluding event and exhibition