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Anne-Mette Manelius: "Fabric formwork"

For its third installment, the Architectural Technology Lectures Series invites Anne-Mette Manelius of the Danish Technological Institute, Copenhagen, to give a lecture entitled "Fabric formwork - Investigations into Formwork Tectonics and Stereogeneity in Architectural Constructions".

Tid: Ti 2013-11-12 kl 17.00

Plats: Room A3, KTH School of Architecture, Östermalmsgatan 26

Medverkande: Anne-Mette Manelius

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Anne-Mette Manelius: "Fabric formwork - Investigations into Formwork Tectonics and Stereogeneity in Architectural Constructions"

Anne-Mette Manelius lives in Copenhagen and was trained as an architect at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture followed by a position as research assistant at the Center of Industrialized Architecture where she caught the concrete fever. In 2012 Anne-Mette defended her Industrial PhD about the architectural perspectives for the use of fabric formwork for concrete, that is using textiles as the mold for concrete castings. The research was done as research through design, student workshops, and prototyping. Anne-Mette now works as a senior consultant at the Danish Technological Institute where she bridges the specialist materials centers of brick, wood and biomaterials, textiles, and concrete.

About the series:

KTH School of Architecture - Architectural Technology Lectures Series Fall 2013
What is research in the realm of architectural design?

Novel technologies, materials and fabrication methods constantly enter the field of architecture. However, these innovations can only contribute to the discipline if they are integrated into a coherent process from design to production. In recent years many architects conducted extensive research and significantly contributed to technological innovations. The development of parametric design and simulation tools through a global open source community or a novel interpretation of the use of industrial robots exemplifies the power of design thinking. This lecture series features PhD students and researchers from practice and international leading research groups. They will present and discuss their view on research within the field of design and talk about projects, research tools and methodologies.

The lecture series is organised by Oliver Tessmann, Assistant Professor at the KTH School of Architecture. The event is funded by the FORMAS through the Strong Research Environment Architecture in the Making .

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