Positions in the Political Economy of Public Art
The project focuses on the conditions of public art – its driving forces, aims andconflicts –taken as an indicator for the premises for attaining the broader political aims of sustainable planning and design. Based on case studies, and using the camera as research tool, we explore actors, organizations and processes in disparate municipalities. Some of the material will be presented as a film, aimed as a platform for sharing knowledge and to further discussions on art, democracy and sustainability.
Project period: 2021-2024 (extended to 2025)
Funder(s): Formas, utlysning “Gestaltad livsmiljö”
Participants from KTH: Catharina Gabrielsson (projektledare), Eva Arnqvist (forskare) and Jonathan Metzger (forskare)
Project partner(s): Västerås stad, genom Västerås KonstmuseumFolkrörelsernas Konstfrämjande