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The organisation of KTH Architecture

Organisational units

This page is under construction in English.

The School of Architecture is divided into the following sections:

  1. Architecture and Culture
  2. Architecture and Urban Design
  3. Architecture and Technology
  4. Architectural Lighting Design
  5. Model Wood Workshop


Katja Tollmar Grillner , Head of Department and Head of Doctoral studies

Malin Åberg Wennerholm , Deputy Head of Department and Deputy Head of Undergraduate studies

Management Council

Arkitekturskolans ledningsgrupp är skolans samlade ledningsorgan. Gruppen träffas en gång varje månad, vanligtvis onsdag eftermiddag.

Katja Tollmar Grillner , Head of Department and Head of Doctoral studies
Malin Åberg Wennerholm , Deputy Head of Department and Deputy Head of Undergraduate studies

Helena Mattsson , Head of Division Architecture and Culture
Meike Schalk , Head of Division Architecture and Urban Design
Ulrika Knagenhielm-Karlsson , Head of Division Architecture and Technology
Ute Besenecker , Head of Division Architectural Lighting Design
Anna Eklund , Head of Division Model Wood Workshop
Maria Björk Carleborg , Administrative Group Manager
Ana Brene , Financial Officer
Ida-Maria Bruhn , HR Officer
Klara Rosander , Student Representative

Union Representative

The Union Representative is appointed jointly by the trade unions. Link to the School of Architecture's Union Representative:

Study Council

The Study Council has an advisory function to the School of Architecture's academic management. The Study Council deals with academic quality issues and assessments.

Program Council for Doctoral Studies in Architecture

Programrådet sammanträder fyra gånger per år

Members 2024
Catharina Gabrielsson , programansvarig doktorsprogram samt gruppchef doktorander
Anders Bergström , Associate professor
Ute Besenecker , Associate professor
Daniel Koch , Associate professor
Ann Legeby , Professor
Jennifer Mack  , Associate professor
Helena Mattsson , professor
Meike Schalk , avdelningschef Arkitektur och Stad

Doktorandrepresentation (tillsatts av THS/ doktorandsektion)
Adrià Carbonell Rabassa , ​​​​​​​doktorand, universitetsadjunkt