Återhus 3.0 - Building from buildings
Sweden needs a number of large-scale demonstrators for verified reuse projects that will place reuse on the agenda for demolition and new construction projects. Reuse needs to be included as part of all planning of new constructions. There is a lack of both systematized knowledge and incentives for the construction industry to apply reuse as a daily practice.
Title: Återhus 3.0 - Building from buildings
Project leader:
Erik Stenberg
Counterpart: RISE
Financed by:
Period: 2024-01-01 - 2025-12-31
Återhus demo projects and the developed methodologies will facilitate the implementation of the reuse of building parts to validate the circular economy as the most sustainable way for the construction industry. It is also of great importance to manage the construction process, not only based on the time aspect, where fast and established methods are chosen but based on the best possible use of resources. Återhus must contribute to the transition within the construction and real estate industry to the circular economy. The transition requires changes and innovations which in turn should have a positive impact on the industry: generate increased competence and knowledge through inclusive processes in broad constellations of actors, strengthen companies' attractiveness for all involved with a focus on strengthened gender equality, diversity, increased competitiveness, innovation and adaptability. This change affects a wide range of actors along the entire value chain of the construction process in collaboration with consultants, contractors, real estate, clients and researchers. The project's long-term objective is to support the reduction of the climate impact of the construction and real estate sector by -25% by 2030 through reduced amounts of waste and the use of virgin materials and to strengthen the competitiveness of companies with circular business models.