Online course launch: Light4Health
Please join us on Friday the 20th of August to launch the online course: Health research for lighting design.
Date: 20 August 2021, Join us online between 1 pm - 5 pm CET.
As the result of a multi-year Erasmus+ funded project, the Light4Health consortium will launch the course: Health research for lighting design.
During this event we will look back at the three workshops that developed the course content, talk to previous participants, discuss with educators and professional designers, introduce the online platform and officially launch the course.
The Light4Health consortium is looking forward to your attendance.
Consortium members: University of Wolverhampton, Hochschule Wismar, Itmo University, Thomas Jefferson University, Aalborg University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Light4Health is a research-based open-access educational resource for lighting design students and professionals. The Light4Health consortium developed course materials to introduce findings from lighting-related health research to lighting designers at graduate level.
We would like to invite all lighting enthusiasts to celebrate the launch of this novel online course: Health research for lighting design!