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Architecture and Urbanism, addressing the Social space in the 21st century: Segregation strategies and Appropriation tactics

The economic transformations and the social processes that emerged at the end of the 20th century raise fundamental questions for Architecture and Urbanism -understood both as a field of knowledge and as intervention in cities. These changes demandcritical renewal of disciplines engaged with the conception and production of space in order to continue to fight for an informed and open-minded transformation of the city.

Project period: 2017-2022

Funder(s): State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)

Participants from KTH-A: Daniel Koch, Erik Stenberg, bidrag från Catharina Gabrielsson, Jennifer MackProject partner(s)University of São Paulo (FAU USP; project host), TU Delft, PC3, Universidad Politécnicade Madrid (UPM), Harvard University, Critical Thinking and Contemporary City research group (PC3), Mackenzie Presbyterian University, University of Porto

Seminar series