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Decode -- Community Design for Conflicting Desires

Decode addresses societal challenges of how to model a democratic and constructive urban development process, where participants with differing expertise, interests and time perspective can participate. The goal is to provide guidance forincluding working processes, considering local conditions and global sustainable societal challenges. Decode has the following goals: 1.Guide with matrix for sustainability management 2.Social indicators 3.Basic training in sustainability management 4.Communication plan 5.Internationalization plan.

Project period: 2014-2019

Funder(s): Vinnova

Participants from KTH-A: Björn Hellström, Meike Schalk, Ann Legeby, Daniel Koch, Pablo Miranda, Sara DegerhammarProject partner(s)Gothenburg Research Institute (GRI), RISE, Stockholm Centre forOrganizational Research (SCORE),Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU),Stockholm University (SU), Sustainability Learning and Research Centre(SWEDESD),Södertörn University,Sweden GreenBuilding Council (SGBC), Stockholm, Gothenburg, Järfälla, Norrtälje, Sorsele, Täby,Upplands Väsby and Uppsalamunicipalities,the National Board ofHousing, Building, and Planning,Public Art Agency Sweden,Älvstranden Utveckling, andTyréns.

[Gothenburg Research Institute (GRI), RISE, Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research (SCORE), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Stockholm University (SU), Sustainability Learning and Research Centre(SWEDESD), Södertörn University, Sweden Green Building Council (SGBC), Stockholm, Gothenburg, Järfälla, Norrtälje, Sorsele, Täby, Upplands Väsby and Uppsalamunicipalities, the National Board of Housing, Building, and Planning, Public Art Agency Sweden, Älvstranden Utveckling, Tyréns.]