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Smart Streets

The Smart Streets project aims to develop models for multifunctional streets, which can be used in redevelopment and new construction, and which meet the challenges of future urbanization, digitalization, electrification, segregation and climate change. Among other things, the project will also compile knowledge and experiences about the multifunctionality of different street types, build a simulator that shows the user experience of these street types and produce a guide for smart streets in Swedish urban areas.

Project period: 2019-2021

Funder(s): VINNOVA

Participants from KTH-A: Nuvarande projektledare /current project manager: Tony Svensson (KTH/ABE/SoM/URS), Tidigare projektledare / previous project manager: Alexander Ståhle (KTH A)

Arvoderad i projektet vid KTH A: Vera Esaiasson

Project partner(s)Chalmers, VTI, Spacescape, Sweco, White

Project homepage